`Allāmah Sa`aduddīn Taftāzānī [may Allāh have mercy on him] states: "Allāh [exalted is He] is free from being in a place [makān]. Due to this, He is also free from being in a direction [jihat, simt]. Similarly, he is free from being above or below." (Sharh ul-`Aqāid, page-60)
`Allāmah Ibn Nujaym al-Misrī [may Allāh be pleased with him] states: "Whoever holds that Allāh is above or below, shall be ruled a Kāfir [infidel]." (al-Bahr ur-Rā’iq, vol-5, page-203)
If a person uses this term to express the exalted status (of Allāh), he will not be ruled a Kāfir, yet this statement of his will be labelled as incorrect and he shall be prevented from using this term." (Fatāwā Faiz ur-Rasūl, vol-1, page-2)
Sadr ush-Sharī`ah Allāmah Muftī Amjad `Alī `Azamī states: "Allāh...