Q1. Can one perform Salaah or keep fast during Haiz and Nifas?
A1. It is Haraam to perform Salaah or keep fast whilst in Haiz or Nifas. When the Haiz or Nifas is completed, one must perform Ghusal without delay and offer your Salaah.
Q2. Must one make Qada for the missed Salaah during Haiz and Nifas?
A2. Salaah is forgiven in both these situations and there is no need to keep Qada for the missed Salaah.
Q3. Must one make Qada for the missed fasts during Haiz and Nifas?
A3. Yes. It is obligatory to keep the Qada of the fasts during both these situations.
Q4. What should you do during the times of Salaah?
A4. During the times of Salaah, you should perform Wudhu and recite the Durood Shareef or some other prayer for the duration of the Salaah. The reason for doing this is so that you will remain in the habit and not become lazy for Salaah or Ibaadah.
Q5. Are you allowed to read the Holy Quran in Haiz or Nifas?
A5. It is Haraam for you to recite the Holy Quran whether you look at it or recites it by heart. It is also Haraam for you to touch the Holy Quran, whether the whole of it or part of it. You are not even allowed to touch any verse with the tips of your fingers or any other part of the body. It is also Haraam for you to touch a piece of paper that has a verse of the Quran written on it.
Q6. During Haiz and Nifas, what are you allowed to recite and what are you not allowed to recite?
A6. It is Makrooh for you to recite the Du'a-e-Qunoot whilst in Haiz or Nifas. All other recitations, such as Tasbeehs, Du'as, Durood Shareefs, etc. are allowed without any problems except for the Holy Quran. It is also better for you to perform Wudu or wash the mouth before the recitation.
Q7. If a female, who is teaching the Holy Quran, has Haiz or Nifas, what should she do?
A7. She should teach each verse whilst breaking it into parts (breathing in between the words). There is no problem in spelling the verses for the student.
Q8. What should a fasting female do if her Haiz begins just before Maghrib or if a woman gives birth just before Maghrib?
A8. Her fast is nullified and she has to make up for that day (keep Qada) after Ramadaan.
Q9. What should you do if your menstrual flow has stopped anytime between sunrise and sunset in the month of Ramadaan?
A9. You should stop eating and drinking from that time until Maghrib (time of breaking fast). This, however, should not be considered as fasting as you have to make Qada for those days. This is only done in respect for the fasts and the sacred Month of Ramadaan.
Q10. Are females allowed to take contraceptive pills to prevent menstruation during Ramadaan?
A10. Yes, a female is allowed to take the pill to stop menstruation during Ramadaan as long as it does not endanger her health in any way. She should consult her parents or doctor for advice.
Q11. It is a belief by some people that a female in Haiz or Nifas is not allowed to cook, to serve the food, to sit anywhere in the house, to touch item, etc. Is this correct?
A11. No. This has no basis in Islam. This is all based on superstition and should be stopped.
Q12. If there is impurity such as blood on the clothing, how can it be cleaned?
A12. If the impurity is thick, such as blood, fasces, etc. then wash thoroughly at least three times and squeeze dry to make sure that it is clean of all impurities. However, if it takes four or five times to clean, then this must be done. If the impurity is cleaned off the first time it is Mustahab to clean it three times.
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