In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, Most Merciful
All the praises be to Allah the Lord of universes and peace and blessings of Allah be on the chief of Prophets and Messengers, our leader and our guide, Muhammad (sallahu alahi wasalam), the crowned leader of all Messengers of Allah. The Apostle of Allah, who has the honor of going on a night journey and who has ascended to heaven, firmly established in Maqam Mahmud, the prestigious place in paradise and in addition to all, has distinction of interceding and quenching the thirst of his followers from river Kausar on the difficult Day of Judgment. May Allah bless also his virtuous and righteous progenies. O Allah! Bless Prophet Muhammad (sallahu alahi wasalam) whose feet left traces and imprints on the rock, but not on the sands. O Allah! Do mercy also on the righteous heir of the Holy Prophet Abu Muhammad Seyedi Abdul Qader al- Jilani, the man of insight and inspiration.
Sheikh Abdul Qader al- Jilani says:
Every friend of Allah (Valiullah) has his own way of life, but I follow the foot steps of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) who is like the full moon.
I, overlooking my short comings and lack of proper knowledge, was asked to write a preamble for the great book “Fathul Mota’al fi Madhin Nea’al”. For such a condition the well know Islamic scholar Muhammad Shahzad Mujaddadi has rightly said:
“What am I, my lord knows well. I am certainly not what the people think”.
I admit my little knowledge and for this, I beseech Allah, the Omnipotent and Omniscient through the grace of blessed sandals of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) saying “O my Lord you know every thing and your knowledge has encompassed all universe. I stretch my hand towards you for knowledge and wisdom. Bestow me your favor O my Lord! You are Generous, Omniscient and Omnipotent.
This book is more than an unexpected delight for the servants of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam), a life vein for the lovers of the Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). It is a well established fact that the stature of the Holy prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam), a mercy for the whole universe, can not be fathomed by applying logic and philosophy but through love of the people with insight, Gnostics and ascetics.
Fortunate translators and publishers:
This book was compiled by the great Imam Ahmad al- Muqri Talmasani who died in the month of Jamadi al- Akhar 1041 AH. Its Urdu translation “ Fazaele Nalain Huzur Sallallaho Alaihe Wa Sallam” was done jointly by Maulana Mufti Muhammad Khan Qadri and Maulana Muhammad Abbas Rizvi, May Allah give them a long life to serve Islam and the people by their useful knowledge.
Haji Muhammad Tufail Bhatti took the responsibility for publication and distribution of this book. This rare book was published first in 1995 and then again in 1997. I congratulate those pious men who have shouldered the responsibility for its third publication that is certainly a great source of inspiration and a means to fill the hearts with the love for Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). Such prominent personalities include Haji Muhammad Tufail Bhatti, Dr. Munir Ahmad, Waheeduddin Sheikh and Wasimuddin Sheikh. May Allah strengthen their bonds with Holy Prophet, increase their knowledge and bestow good reward for their good deeds. Amen.
A poet says;
The place where traces of your foot steps were found
The ascetics would like to prostrate there for years
All prophets of Allah fell in prostration when they saw you prostrating
They also believed in God when they saw you believing
The beautiful morning scene, nor the sun, moon or stars have ever existed.
My life be sacrificed on the foot prints of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) from where these lights reflect
My life be sacrificed on your foot prints by the grace of your passage
Wherever we see your foot prints, we walk in jubilation as if we see the paradise
Put your moon like shining foot on my chest
It will cool down my passion, blessings of Allah be upon you
It is a great honor for me to write on the merits of the auspicious foot steps of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) and other Prophets of Allah and the blessings related to it. Likewise, I feel pleasure to present some facts and narrations about the blessed Sandals and its copies. None has honor of his own. The person who is dear to the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) is respectable and the one who is discarded by the prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) is wicked. Allah says: ولله العزة ولرسوله (سوره المنافقون: 8 )
The glory belongs to Allah and His Messenger (63:8).
A poet says:
Who, is dear to that house is dear to Allah and who was turned away from that house is discarded by Allah
The earth got honor by kissing your feet
The deprived sky can do nothing but blame its fate
Neither this has elegance nor does that possess any miracle
This owes to your feet and that owes to your head
The people will be gathered below his feet on the Day of Judgment:
Hazrat Jubair (Allah be pleased with him) has quoted the Holy Prophet as saying: I Have many names, I am Muhammad, I am Ahmad, I am remover of non belief as Allah will obliterate non belief through me and I am the gatherer as Allah will gather the people on the day of Judgment on my feet and I am the last Messenger of Allah as no Apostle from Allah will come after me. (Bukhari- Ketabut Tafsir and Muslim).
A poet says:
On the Day of Judgment I will not be alone, but in the company of beloved of Allah, putting on head the mantel of Fatema Zohra along with Shabbir and Shabar.
O Bedam! There will be a unique show on the Day of Judgment
All human beings would be presented before Allah, but I before the Prophet.
The man of blessed Sandal:
Amongst the good names of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam), one name is the man of Sandals. Love for the blessed Sandals is a part of love of Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). Arabs had a practice of putting on shoes whenever they walked. Our Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) had one pair of Sandal and four pairs of leather socks. Some times he (sallahu alahi wasalam) put on the sandals and some times he (sallahu alahi wasalam) walked bared foot out of modesty. Some times he (sallahu alahi wasalam) took his shoes in his left hand and some times his service man, the in charge of house Hazrat ibn Masood ( may Allah be pleased with him) took out his shoes and placed them before him whenever he intended to use it. The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) always put on his right shoe first and took off the left shoe first.
Abu Huraira radi alaho anho reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: When one of you puts on sandals(or shoe), he should first put in the right foot, and when he takes off he should take off the left one first, or he should put them on together or take them off together. Sahih Muslim, Book 024, Number 5231:
I wish to make your shoes shine, by polishing them with my eyelashes
Ibn Jozy says whoever puts on his right shoe first always would be saved from the pain of spleen. Some other saints have said that if any one writes the Quranic verse “Mumtahena” and then drinks its washed water, Allah will save him from the pain of spleen (Saadatut Darain).
Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal and some other Jurisprudent says kissing the cover of Holy Koran is allowed because it is attached to the Holy Book. Similarly kissing the photo of the blessed Sandal of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) to show the love and respect to the Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) is also allowed and will of course be a virtuous deed.
A poet says:
Love for shoe did not impassionate my heart
But immense love for its user has caused the stir
By the kiss even a particle becomes enviable to the sun and stars
I pray Allah to make my heart attached with those blessed feet
Every deed is official
Every deed performed by a prophet has a sanction from Allah. Therefore, any objection over the deed of a prophet is an objection to Allah’s order as raising a finger on the uniform worn by a staff of the government will be considered as an objection to the government itself, because, it has been selected by the government. Therefore, the Islamic jurisprudents say that any disrespect shown to the blessed Sandal of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) will be enough to renegade him from Islam.
The wonders of the prophet’s feet in the light of Quran and Hadith
The feet of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam)
Hazrat Abdullah bin Baridah (may Allah be pleased with him) has reported that “The shape of the feet of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) was very elegant” (narrated by Ibn Saeed).
A poet says:
O the wicked! Go and enter his lane
You will get there everlasting garden
The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) had a heavy foot (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim)
Muslim has reported that Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) had slim heels.
In fact, Allah had made a perfect and attractive form for his beloved Prophet without leaving any physical defect. Heavy feet and slim heels look very attractive and give a unique beauty to the blessed foot.
A poet says:
Pressed under your blessed foot, there is no space for further pushing
The shining heels of your blessed foot present a beautiful scene
The miracle of the Prophet’s foot
When the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) put his blessed foot in the city of Makkah, the Quran swore by the land on which the Holy Prophet put his graceful foot. The Quran says “I swear by the city and you are staying in that cityلااقسم بهذ البلد وانت حل بهذ البلد.
A poet says:
You have such a lofty status that none can ever think of
The Quran has sworn by your city, your talk and your existence
The Holy Quran has sworn by the land through which you have passed.
Many greetings to the sanctity of that blessed foot
Allama Samhowi (may Allah bless his soul) says the word“ Balad” in the above mentioned verse includes Medinaalso and the main reason for swearing is the presence of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) in the city. If Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) is present in Makkah, it is worth to be sworn and if he is inMedina then that city is worth to be sworn. The honor owes to the foot steps of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). Both the cities became sacred due to the presence of the Prophet.
In verse Nesa’a Allah says الم تكن ارض الله واسعة (4: 97) “Was not the earth of Allah spacious enough for you”.
In verse Nahal Allah says لنبؤ ئنهم في الدنيا حسنة (16: 41) we will give them good place in the world.
In verse Al- Hashr (59: 9) Allah says “والذين تبوءوا الدار والايمان “And those who, before them, had homes (inMedina) and had adopted the faith.
In all three verses the word “ارض الله” (Earth of Allah), “حسنة”( good) and “الدار والايمان”( home and faith) means the city of Medina. (Wafaul Wafa).
Non- believers could not see the foot steps of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam):
At the time of migration, when the Holy Prophet came out of his house in company of Abu Bakr Siddique, he was bare footed. In spite of intense search, the pagans of Makkah could not trace his foot steps. When the Prophet was hiding in the cave of Thaur, his companion Abu Bakr Siddique feared that pagans may find them tracing their foot prints. The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) reassured and comforted Abu Bakr Siddique by saying Allah is the third along with two of us (Bukhari).
Allama Hafiz Qastalani in his book “Al- Mawahibul Ladunniyah” has quoted very authentic sources from the biographies of the Holy Prophet and presented some irrefutable evidences in his other book “Al-Murtaja bil Qubul” that whenever the Holy Prophet walked on stones, they turned soft below his feet leaving deep imprints of his blessed foot.
Hazrat Nouman bin Thabit (may Allah be pleased with him) in his famous eulogy “Rahmatur Rehman” has described this miracle in the following words:
If you walk on soft earth your foot leaves no trace
But on hard stone, your foot leaves deep traces
The Holy Quran swore by dust rising from the feet of the horses of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) and the holy warriors
In Surah “Al- Adiat” (100; 1-4) Allah says:
“فالموريات قدحا، فالمغيرات صبحا، فاثرن به نقعا، فوسطن به جمعا والعاديات ضبحا
By the (Steed) that run with panting, sparking sparks of fire (by their hooves), scouring to the raid at dawn, raising the dust in clouds the while and penetrating fore with as one into the midst (of the foe).
Hafiz Abu Bakr Ibn al- Arabi writes in Ahkam al -Quran “Allah has sworn by Muhammad (sallahu alahi wasalam) by saying “ياسين والقرأن الحكيم”, He also has sworn by the life of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) and said:
”لعمرك انهم لفي سكرتهم يعمهون” By your life, they in their wild intoxication, they were wandering blindly. (15:72)
Besides, Allah has sworn by the steed of the Prophet, it’s neighing; it’s raising dust and the fire sparking light during their running.
The ablution water of the Holy Prophet was a cure:
Bukhari has narrated on the authority of Saeb bin Yazid as saying that his aunt took him to the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) seeking his blessing for him. She said O Messenger of Allah! The son of my sister is suffering from headache. He tapped his hand on my head and asked Allah to bless me. After that we all made ablution and I took the remnant water of his ablution. Then I stood up behind him and saw the seal of prophecy engrossed between his shoulder and that looked like the egg of pigeons.
A poet says:
I will not forget the taste of the water, washed from the feet of my lord
Even after tasting the water from Zamzam and the river Kauther
The blessed relationship
The presence of pious personalities in a particular place augments the sanctity of that place and Allah swears by its sacredness. Allah has sworn by mountain of Sinai because it’s special relationship with Prophet Moses (AS) The Holy Quran in verse (95:1-3) says:
والتين والزيتون وطور سينين وهذالبلد الامين by the fig and the olive and by the Mount Sinai and by this city of security.
The holy towns where pious persons live:
Makkah is the most sacred city because Hazrat Abraham went there and built House of Allah in that city. If Makkah became a holy city because Hazrat Abraham stayed there and built the House of Allah in it, then you can imagine how sacred would be the city of Medina where the beloved of Allah was staying. About Makkah Allah says:
“من دخله كان أ منا” Whoever entered Makkah, became secure (3:97).
In another verse Allah says:
او لم يرواانا جعلنا حرما أمناويتخطف الناس من حولهم ابالباطل يؤمنون وبنعمة الله يكفرون
Have they not seen that we have made (Makkah) a secure sanctuary, while men are being snatched away from all around them? Then they believe in falsehood and deny the graces of Allah (29: 67).
The Holy book of Allah mentions the rock on which Hazrat Abraham was building Holy Ka’aba in these words: فيه آيات بينات مقام ابراهيم
(3:97) in it there is manifest signs including the place of Abraham.
The stone on which Prophet Abraham stood to build the Holy Ka’aba carried a deep foot print of Prophet Abraham (AS). This was called in this verse as standing place of Prophet Abraham. Indeed, it is a very manifest sign of Allah and does exist till today. People offer prayers and make supplications near it expecting that their prayers at this sacred place will get a favorable response from Allah.
A poet says:
Had been there foot print of Prophet Muhammad (sallahu alahi wasalam)
The Kabah would have rushed for circumambulation
As far as the foot print of Prophet Abraham is concerned, Allah says: واتخذوا من مقام ابراهيم مصلي And take the place of Abraham (the stone on which he stood while building the Holy Ka’aba) as a place for prayer (2:125).
After completing seven rounds to the Holy Ka’aba, all Muslims offer two Rakat prayers at the standing place of Prophet Abraham (AS).
I would like to mention herewith that when Allah created Hazrat Adam, all angels fell in prostration to him because the effulgent light of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallahu alahi wasalam) was reflecting on the forehead of Adam (AS).
A poet says:
No doubt Khalil (Abraham) and Naji (Moses) are very near to Allah
Also high ranking prophets like Kalim (Moses) and Masih (Jesus Christ).
But now the unlettered Prophet whose foot was kissed by empyrean
Has came down in this world
Hazrat Abu Saeed Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) has quoted the Holy Prophet as saying: One person from Banu Israel had killed ninety nine persons. After that he felt remorse and went to a monk asking whether his penitence may be forgiven? The monk said: No. Then he killed the monk completing the toll of his victims to 100.
Then a person came forward and advised him to go to the so and so village to meet another monk. But he died on the mid way. At the time of his death he lowered his chest towards that village. The angles of mercy and torment both were present to take him to his destined abode. Allah ordered the village towards which he was going to draw nearer while he ordered the village from which he was coming to move backwards. Then Allah ordered the angels to measure the distance of the two villages from his dead body. The distance of the village to which he was proceeding was less than a span and therefore Allah granted him forgiveness. (Bukhari- Kitabul Anbya).
Think again! Who was living in that blessed village and for whose sake Allah forgives the killer of one hundred persons? Though he did not reach there and was in the mid way, but his sins are pardoned. Obviously, there lived some of His favored servants whom He loved and for their sake He has forgiven the despicable deeds of this killer.
The above mentioned story is a good example that how Allah blesses the entire village where his favored servants dwell. You can now imagine the blessings of the city where Allah’s most favored servant and his beloved was residing. The earth trodden by the blessed foot of the Holy Prophet was cure for diseases. The above mentioned story, tells us also that when Allah wills to favor some one, He leads him towards the people whom he loves.
The presence of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) is a mercy;
The followers of earlier prophets had to offer their prayers at specific places marked to perform worships. But this restriction was lifted from this Ummah. Allah made for them the whole earth pure and suitable for worship.
عن جابر بن عبد الله قا ل قا ل رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم اعطيت خمسا لم يعطهن احد قبلي- نصرت بالرعب مسيرة شهروجعلت لي الارض مسجدا وطهورا فا يما رجل من امتي ادركته الصلوة فليصل- واحلت لي الغنائم ولم تحل لاحد من قبلي- واعطيت الشفاعة وكان النبي يبعث الي قومه خاصة وبعثت الي الناس عامة ( بخاري – كتاب الصلوة)
Hazrat Jaber bin Abdullah (Allah be pleased with them) has reported that the Messenger of Allah said: I have been given five specialties that were not given to any body else before me. I have been given help with awe from a distance of one month journey. The whole earth has been made place for prayer for me and a means of purification. Therefore, when the time for prayer approaches, he should pray any where on the earth. The booties were made lawful for me while it was not lawful before me. I have been exclusively favored for making intercession and while all the prophets were sent to their own people, I have been sent to all man kind.
The Prophet is a source of peace for humanity:
The Holy Quran says:
واذ قالوا اللهم ان كان هذا هوالحق من عندك فامطرعلينا حجارة من السماء اوائتنا بعذاب اليم- وماكان الله ليعذبهم وانت فيهم وما كان الله معذبهم وهم يستغفرون –
And when they said: O Allah! If this (the Quran) is indeed the truth, then rain down stones on us from the sky or bring on us a painful torment. But Allah will not punish them while you are amongst them, nor He will punish them while they seek Allah’s forgiveness. (8:32-33)
The pagans of Makkah have gone to the extent that they asked Allah: O Allah! If this religion, the revealed Quran and the Prophet are true, then destroy us by rain of stones from the sky. Their open defiance and insistence on rejection of the truth required an immediate punishment from Allah. However, Allah has forgiven, because the Holy Prophet was present amongst them.
Similarly, the presence of Holy Prophet in Makkah saved them from their transmutation to monkeys, swine etc in spite of their continued transgression and refusal to accept his call. While a number of transgressors of the previous Ummah were punished severely for their defiance, but due to the presence of the Holy Prophet, the pagans of Makkah were spared and given some respites to enjoy the worldly comforts. Allah has sent him as a mercy for the entire humanity and his existence was a mercy even for the evil doers and wrongdoers. (Quotations from Ruhul Maani).
The above mentioned verse categorically mentions that after the birth of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam), Allah has done away with His old practice of transmutation from the entire world. For this reason, Allah has given him an apparent death, only because his blessed body may remain here as a source of peace and mercy for the world. Otherwise, just like Hazrat Idris and Hazrat Isa (AS); Allah would have also lifted his body to the heaven alive. The Holy Quran says: Allah has lifted Isa (AS) up to Him (4:158) and about Hazrat Idris Allah said: We have lifted him to a high place (19:57).
The second cause for sparing the guilty is the presence of Allah fearing and pious persons who always seek Allah’s forgiveness for the dwellers of this earth. The presence of such favored personalities amongst the common people is a major cause for the escape of the wrong doers from the severe punishment.
The straight way:-
Allah has made it very clear that straight way is only to follow the foot steps of His favored servants. All the Muslims repeat the following verses of the Holy Quran in every Rakat of their prayers:
اهدنا الصراط المستقيم- صراط الذين انعمت عليهم – ( سورة الفاتحة (
O Allah! Guide us to the straight way- The Way of those on whom you have bestowed your grace. (1: 6-7)
Signs of Allah
Allah says in Quran: ان الصفا والمروة من شعائر الله (سورة البقرة: 158)
The mounts Safa and Marwa are sign of Allah. (2:158)
The land, on which the favored servants of Allah have put their feet, becomes sanctum. Hazrat Hajar, the wife of Prophet Abraham (AS) and mother of Hazrat Ishmael (AS) ran between the mountains of Safa and Marwah in search of water, and for this the entire earth on which she put her blessed foot has become a holy land. The Hajis going to Mecca for their pilgrimage also run round the mountains of Safa and Marwah in her memory. Allah has bestowed her a rare honor by declaring that her foot steps are His own signs. Allah has enjoined on all Muslims to respect and honor these signs. Allah says:
ومن يعظم شعائرالله فانها من تقوي القلوب ( سورة الحج : 32)
And whosoever honors the signs of Allah, it is truly from the piety of the hearts (22:32).
The wonders of the feet of Hazrat Ayub (Job) (AS):
Hazrat Ayub has strruck his foot on the earth and water came gushing out of the earth. Allah says:
اركض برجلك هذا مغتسل بارد وشراب ( سورة ص : 42 )
Strike the ground with your foot. This is a (spring) of water to wash in, cool and a (refreshing) drink (38:42).
Condition for acceptance of repentance:
When the time for acceptance of Banu Israel’s penitence came, they were asked to pass through the doors of Jerusalemprostrating to Allah and seeking forgiveness for their sins.Jerusalem is the city of Prophets, therefore, they were ordered to respect this auspicious city and seek repentance from Allah there. The Holy Quran says:
واذ قلنا ادخلوا هذه القرية فكلوا منها حيث شئتم رغدا وادخلوا الباب سجدا وقولوا حطة نغفر لكم خطاياكم وسنزيد المحسنين (سورة البقرة : 58 )
And when we said: “Enter this town and eat bountifully therein with pleasure and delight whenever you wish, and enter the gate in prostration (or bowing with humility) and say: Forgive us, and we shall forgive your sins and shall increase (reward) for the good doers” (2:58).
Hazrat Amr bin Abd Naham Aslami (Allah be pleased with him) was guiding the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) on the way to Hudaibiyah. They stayed at Thanyatul Hazal. The Prophet told his followers that Thanya is like the door of Jerusalem for Bani Israel where Allah has ordered them to pass the gate prostrating. Therefore, whoever passed through the valley ofThanya on this night, Allah will forgive his sins.
The story of Hazrat Solomon (AS):
The Holy Quran says:
فلما قضينا عليه الموت ما دلهم علي موته الا دابة الارض تأ كل منسأ ته ( سورة سبا :14 )
“When we decreed death for him, nothing informed them (Jinn) of his death except a little worm of the earth which kept (slowly) gnawing away at his stick” (34:14).
In this verse, Allah has described the story of the death of Hazrat Solomon (AS). The story is that Jinn were building the mosque of Jerusalem under the direction of Hazrat Solomon (AS). In the mean time, the time of his death approached, but the construction work was not completed. When the angel of death approached him and sought his permission to extract his soul, he said “Yes, but the mosque is not complete yet. After my death all jinn will run away leaving the work incomplete.”
Allah said: “You should not worry, the work will be done.” Then Allah ordered Solomon (AS) to take his stick and stand up for prayer. The angel of death extracted his soul while he was standing in the prayer. He stood up for full one year leaning on his staff. The Jinn thought him alive and continued the construction work. When the worms had eaten up the staff, his body fell down on the ground. The worms of this earth can not eat the body of Prophet. Therefore, the worms have eaten away the staff, but did not touch his foot. They knew that these are feet of a prophet and the worms are not allowed to touch any part of a prophet’s body.
A narration by the Holy Prophet says:-
اولياء الله لايموتون بل ينتقلون من دار الي دار (تفسير كبير)
Friends of Allah die not, but transmigrate from one house to other house. (Tafsir Kabir).
Ibn Majah has quoted another Hadith saying:
ان الله حرم علي الارض ان تأكل اجساد الانبياء
Allah has not allowed earth to eat away the bodies of prophets.
Baihaqui has quoted Abul Alia saying that Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) has said:
ان لحوم الانبياء لاتبليها الارض ولاتأ كلها السباع –
The earth can not eat away the flesh of prophets nor is beast allowed to devour it.
The she camel of Allah:
Allah said that she camel of Hazrat Saleh (AS) was actually the she camel of Allah (7:73) and destroyed the Thamud community who has cut off the legs of that blessed she camel.
The wonders of foot steps of Gnostics:
For a believer the most precious wealth is his faith. But some times even a non-believer has washed his hands in the blessed water flowing beneath the feet of an ascetic. The Holy Quran has quoted the story of Samurai who picked up a handful of dust from the hoof of Hazrat Gabriel’s horse and put it in the mouth of the golden calf. As soon as he put the blessed dust in the mouth of the golden calf, it came to life and started lowing. The Holy Quran says:
قال بصرت بما لم يبصروا به – فقبضت قبضة من اثرالرسول فنبذتها (20:96)
He the (Samiri) said: I saw what they saw not, so I took a handful of dust from the hoof print of the Messenger (Gabriel) horse and threw it in to the calf (20:96)
The horse of Gabriel touched the earth and the earth became full of life and green and then the dust touched the calf and calf came to life.
The miracle of Jesus Christ (AS):
The Prophet Jesus Christ used to strike dead persons with his toe and make them alive by saying stand up by order from Allah. The Holy Quran says:
واحي الموتي باذن الله ( آ ل عمران : 49 )
And I bring dead to life by Allah’s leave.
The well of Zamzam:
The feet of Prophets, Messengers of Allah, the saints and the ascetics are very auspicious and full of blessings. When Hazrat Ishmael struck his foot against the earth, the water gushed out from the well of Zamzam.
The tremor and quiver of Mount Uhud:
Once the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) accompanied by Abu Bakr Siddique, Umar Faruq and Uthman Ghani mounted on Uhud. The high mountain began quivering. The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) struck his feet on the mountain and said:
اسكن يا احد فليس عليك الا نبي و صديق وشهيدان –
Be quiet O mount Uhud! There is none on you, but a Prophet, a Siddique and two martyrs. (Bukhari, volume 1, page 523- Tirmizi: volume 2, page 215).
A poet says:
A gentle strike by foot stopped the mount Uhud from its quiver. Allah is great, how graceful are the heels of the Holy Prophet.
The grace of mother’s feet:
The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) is reported to have said: الجنة تحت اقدام الامهات
Heaven is below the feet of mothers. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddaque always called the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam): May my mother and father be sacrificed on you. May our beloved mothers, fathers and even the paradise be sacrificed on the blessed Sandal of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam).
A poet says:
O Mohsin! The time bows its head where the foot steps of my lord are found.
The elegance of the lovers of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam):
Once the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) told Hazrat Bilal (Allah be pleased with him) O Bilal! I heard the sound of your shoes inParadise ahead of me (Bukhari).
An Urdu poet says:
I am lucky to have your company in my life. Your every look and generosity stimulates my life.
The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) loved mount Uhud:
Paradise is recompense or reward of worships. But love of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) makes the person beloved of the prophet. Once the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) said:
Mount Uhud loves us and we also love it and whomsoever the prophet loves, Allah loves him. The Holy Quran says:
فا تبعوني يحببكم الله (آل عمران: 31) Follow me, Allah will love you. (3:31)
The aspiration of Roman King Heracles:
A long Hadith narrated by Hazrat Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) says that Abu Sufyan, before embracing Islam went to Syria for business. The King called him in his court to get some information about the Prophet. The king enquired from Abu Sufyan about his family background, his claim for prophecy, his followers, his teachings and his character etc. After getting the information about the Holy Prophet, the King Heracles acclaimed “These are the true signs of the prophet-hood” and then said “If what you say is true, he will rule on the place on which I am standing. I knew that he is about to come, but I never thought that he will be from you people. If I knew that I will be able to reach him, I would have reached him. Had I reached to him, I would have washed his feet with my own hands (Bukhari- Kitabul Wahi).
An Urdu poet says:
The kings have put their heads on the feet of my Lord; they appreciated the simple life style of the master of sky and earth.
The elegant stroll of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam):
Hazrat Zaid (Allah be pleased with him) has reported that Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) always walked fast and if any one wanted to catch him he had to run behind him. (Hujjatullah Al- Balegha, page 697).
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) says: I never saw any one walk faster than the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). The Holy Prophet, at the time of his walk, always lifted his feetwith power, grace and humility as the brave and courageous people used to do.
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (Allah be pleased with him) has narrated that I never saw any one walk faster than the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). It appears that earth is being folded for him. We, often, could not catch him in spite of our best efforts. (Shamael Tirmidhi).
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (Allah be pleased with him) says none was able to keep pace with the Holy Prophet even in ordinary walk. His blessed feet were very fast in walking on the earth. He was similarly fast in his walk on the high Empyrean where a high flyer like Gabriel told him: For every one of us there is well defined limit. If I crossed it even by one inch I will burn up in flames.
A poet says: If I went even one hair ahead, my wings will be in flames by the effulgent light of Allah
The place where wings of Gabriel will be in flames, you know better the mysteries of that place.
The last destination of Hazrat Gabriel is Sidrah al- Muntaha (the Lot tree).But it was not the last for our Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). He went beyond that stop to see the Lord of universes. His fast pace on the earth was his normal habit. The mystics call it طي مكان or folding up the earth. But when our Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) walked extra-ordinarily, the speed was so fast that archangel Gabriel, the legendary Pegasus and even the souls of the other Prophets failed to give him company. At Sidrah al- Muntaha, the last destination of Hazrat Gabriel, The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) asked him: What can I do for you? Gabriel said: I wish an honor from Allah to unfold my wings on the Bridge for your followers so they may pass over the Bridge putting their feet on my wings. (Mawahin Ladunniyah, volume 2, page 29).
An Urdu poet says:
When Gabriel saw your elegance in the night of ascent to heaven, he wished to become a human being.
Blessings of the heels and feet of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam):
One of the wonders of the heels of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) is that when Uncle Abu Talib complained at Zul Majaz to the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) of a severe thirst, the Prophet struck his heel against the earth. The water came gushing from the earth. Abu Talib says: I never saw such a spring neither before nor after it. When Abu Talib was saturated, the Prophet struck again and the spring disappeared. (Khsaes Kubra).
Muslim has quoted Hazrat Abu Hurairah (Allah be pleased with him) saying that the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) has ordered a man to come and see him. When he came, he complained that he got tired because of the slow speed of his she-camel. The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) struck the camel with his toe. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: by whom in whose hand my soul is, after that strike the she camel raced ahead of even the front line camels.
Tirmidhi has reported that Hazrat Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) fell seriously ill and lost hope of survival. The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) passed by him. He struck him by his toe and said O My Lord! Cure his disease and give him speedy recovery. Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) says: After that I never complained again of that disease.
Imam Bukhari has reported from Abdullah bin Zaid Mazni that Messenger of Allah said: Between my house and my podium is the garden of paradise (Bukhari, volume 1, page 158-253). Since the mosque of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) is related to him, its status became very high. One prayer in Holy Prophet’s mosque is equal to fifty thousand prayers in other mosques.
Another narration says that one prayer in the Prophet’s mosque is equal to a Haj to the House of Allah. Since the Holy Prophet frequented his visits between his house and the podium, it has been elevated to one of the gardens of theParadise. The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) has ordered his followers that whenever, they passed from this garden, they should offer prayer in it.
An Urdu poet says:
Since the Holy Prophet has put his blessed fleet in this city, it became more precious than the Paradise.
Hazrat Abu Hurairah and Hazrat Abu Omamah (may Allah be pleased with them) have reported that when the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) walked on a stone, his feet have engrossed in it (Baihaqui and Ibn Asakir). It means that stones become soft below his blessed feet in order to facilitate his easy walk.
Hazrat Allamah Imam Shehabuddin Khafaji has reported that when the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) walked bare footed on the stone, it became soft leaving the foot engrossed in it. Many people have preserved these holy stones for blessings. A number of such stones are still found in Saudi Arabia, Egypt,Jerusalem and some other countries. A large number of people visit, offer their respects and take blessings from these stones (Nasim al- Riyadh and other books).
An Urdu poet says:
Who lives below your feet has no need to see the face of others. They will not like any thing after seeing your sole.
Hazrat Anas (Allah be pleased with him) has reported that once the people of Medina feared the strike from some enemy forces. The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) mounted on a very lazy horse of Hazrat Abu Talha and went looking for the enemies. When the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) returned from the search, he praised the speed of the horse since he had surpassed the other horses in race and no other horse could ever race ahead of it (Bukhari and Mishkat).
Wild animals bow down at the feet of Prophet’s servants:
Hazrat Safinah (may Allah be pleased with him) lost the track of Muslim army in Rome. He tried his best, but failed to trace the Muslim army. During his search he saw a lion coming out of the forest. He went to the lion and said: O lion! I am so and so, a freed slave of Prophet Muhammad (sallahu alahi wasalam). Now I have lost track of Muslim army. After listening to his story, the lion bowed his head and led him to the Muslim army (Abu Nayeem Al- Asbahani, Hilyat al- Aulia, Beirut publication, volume 1, page No 369).
Holy Prophet’s ascent to heaven:
A poet says:
Allah is the gracious. None is match for you. Allah told others you can not see me. But Allah called you up to meet you in person.
On the night of ascent to heaven, Hazrat Jabriel had awakened the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) by touching his sole with his cheek.
After his arrival to the sanctum empyrean the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) intended to put off his shoes, but Allah told him to proceed with the shoes. The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) said: O my Lord! How I can dare while you had ordered Moses to put off your shoe at the Mount Sinai (Taha: 12)?
A poet says:
You have the beauty of Joseph, the blow of Jesus and shining hand of Moses. What merits they have altogether, you posses alone.
Another poet says:
Where are you and where was Moses? You are some thing and he was some thing. You forgot the talk of yesterday. You are the light of the Mount Sinai. Joseph, Jacob and all prophets may be sacrificed on you. They were only lover, but you are the lover as well as a beloved.
Allama Yusuf Ismael Nibhani in a eulogy to the blessed sandal of the Holy Prophet in his book “Jawaher al- Bahhar” writes:-
The blessed Sandal of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) is on the top of this universe
It is like a high tree under whose shadow this whole universe exists
Moses was asked to put off his shoes near Mount Sinai. Ahmad went to the high empyrean with his shoes.
Another poet says:
My Lord put his foot on the high empyrean leaving the preserved board and pen far below. The entire world lives in peace due to his blessed Sandals.
Khwaja Khizr (AS):
Hazrat Khizr (AS) was a high ranking seer from the Ummah of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). He was called Khizr, because his blessed foot brings forth greenery and growth in the earth. Khizr means greenery as wherever he put his foot the earth becomes green.
Some stories of getting blessings from the foot and foot prints of the Holy Prophet by his companions and other pious persons:
The will of Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar:
When the death time of the first caliph Hazrat Abu bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) approached, he willed to be buried near the feet of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam).After him, the second caliph Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) has also made a similar will. Bukhari, the most authentic book of Hadith has reported that after his injuries, the second caliph sought the permission from the mother of faithful Hazrat Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) twice to be buried at the side of Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam).
A poet says:-
I swear by the search of the footsteps of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam).
I have picked the dusts from the passage of the Prophet with my eye lashes.
The wish of Hazrat Ammarah:
He received fatal injuries in Uhud war, but crawled to the feet of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) where he took his last breath.
The companions’ sought blessings from the Sandal of the Holy
The Hadith mentioned below is the proof that companions of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) gave their due respect to all things that related to the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) even to his blessed Sandals. Isa bin Tahman narrated that Hazrat Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) showed us one pair of Sandal that had two straps. After departure of Hazrat Anas, Thabit al- Bannani told me that the sandals belonged to the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). (Bukhari, Hadith No. 2945 volume 1:438, Ketabul Jehad.
The people of Cave:
The believers have built mosque on the cave where the people of cave slept for many centuries. Holy Quran says:
قال الذين غلبوا علي امرهم لنتخذن عليهم مسجدا ( سورة الكهف : 21 )
Those who won their point said: We verily shall build a place of worship over them. (18: 21).
A poet says:
After decorating your foot print my forehead out shined every thing.
The Gardens of Paradise:
After the death of Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam), the first Caliph Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (may Allah be pleased with him) has constructed a wall at the place where the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) used to put his head in prostration in his prayers leaving only the place where he put his foot. He has done so as a mark of respect to the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). Later, the Turks have made an arch around the wall. Therefore, if anyone stands for prayer at the place of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam), he will certainly put his head on the place where the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) used to put his feet (Alamgiri, Ketab al- Haj, page 1657).
A poet say:-
I don’t turn my face towards Kaabah or Church, but I put my head on your foot print.
The podium of the Holy Prophet:
The pulpit of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) had three stairs. He used to sit on the third stair and put his feet on the second. When Abu Bakr Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) became the Caliph, he used to sit on the second stair where the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) put his feet putting his own feet on the first stair.
The second Caliph Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) used to sit on the first stair and put his feet on the ground. The third Caliph Uthman bin Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) took the same position for six years, but later on, he began to sit on the third stair where the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) used to sit. He said: By sitting on first or second stairs some one may think that I claim to be equal to my both predecessors, but by sitting on the third stair, no body can imagine that I am trying to be equal to the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). Only for this, I have chosen to sit on the third stair.(Wafaul Wafa, volume 1, page 282- Jazb al- Qulub, page 100).
During 50 AH (After migration of the Prophet to Medina) Marwan bin Hakam ordered to add 6 more stairs and then put the podium above it. With this addition, the podium had 9 stairs in total and that continues till today. During 61AH the Abbasid Caliph Mehdi expressed his desire to add six more stairs in the podium, but the famous Islamic scholar Imam Malik advised him not to do so (Umdah al- Qari, volume 6, page 216- Wafa al- Wafa, volume 1, and page 282, 283- Jazb al- Qulub page 100 and Fatah al- Bari , volume 2, page 318).
People used to touch the podium for blessing as the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) used to sit on it for delivering Friday sermon (Wafa al- Wafa).
The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) said: “Whosoever takes false oath in front of my podium, would be thrown in hell”.
He also said: “May the curse of Allah, His angels and all human beings be on the person who takes false oath in front of my podium (Wafa al- Wafa).
Like all other creature of this world, the podium will also be raised on the Day of Resurrection (khulasah al-Wafa).
The places where the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) stayed:
Bukhari has made a special chapter with the heading:
“با ب المساجد في طريق مكة” Mosques on the way to Makkah”. In this chapter Bukhari has described that Hazrat Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) used to stay at the same places where the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) stayed during his journey for his farewell Haj.
A poet says:
A great leader has passed by these valleys. Don’t say galaxy, it is mere dust of that caravan.
The places where the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) had stayed during his journey from Makkah or Tabuk to Medina, the Muslims have now built there beautiful mosques (Madarej al- Nabuwwat, volume 2, page 595).
Hazrat Atban bin Malik Ansari (may Allah be pleased with him) says: When I lost my eyesight, I sent a man to the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) inviting him to offer prayers at my house, so that I make that particular place for my prayers. The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) accepted my invitation; came along with his companions and offered prayer at my house (Muslim, Ketab al- Iman).
A poet says:
O Kamel! At the Day of Resurrection, my prostrations will be raised with the foot steps of my lord.
Kissing of hand and feet of the Holy Prophet for blessings:
Hazrat Safwan bin Assal (may Allah be pleased with him) has narrated that Jews have also kissed the feet of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) and witnessed that he was a true prophet. Non- Muslims have also kissed the blessed hands and feet to offer their respect. If it is so, the kissing of the hands and feet of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) is a matter of great honor for the believers.
Hazrat Safwan bin Assal has reported that one Jew said to his friend: Let us go to that Prophet. His friend said: Don’t call him prophet; if he heard you calling him prophet, he will be extremely pleased. Then both came to the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) and asked the prophet about nine clear signs. The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) replied that these signs are:- Don’t associate any one with Allah, don’t steal, don’t fornicate, don’t kill an innocent man whom Allah has not allowed to be killed, don’t take an innocent man to a ruler for his killing, don’t go near magic, don’t eat usury, don’t defame an innocent woman, don’t flee from the holy war and the last is specially for you Jews don’t commit excess on Sabat. The narrator says that after hearing this, both the Jews kissed the hands and feet of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) and said “we see that you are the true Messenger of Allah” ( Sunan Tirmidhi, Ketab al- Istezan, the chapter about the kissing of hands and feet No 2733).
Hazrat Zraem (may Allah be pleased with him) says: “Our delegation came to Medina during which we kissed the hands and feet of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) (Mishkat).
The die hard supporters of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) seek the blessings both of this world and hereafter by kissing the hands and feet of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam).
When Hazrat Talha bin Bara’a met the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam), he hugged Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) and kissed the feet of the prophet and then asked him to order him for doing any thing, he will never defy in its compliance.
A poet says:
How lucky is the head that bowed down your feet? How great is the hand that has held your rope.
Umm Aban has quoted her grand father Hazrat Zarigh that he was a member of the delegation of Abdul Qais that had visited the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) in Medina. He said: “When we enteredMedina, we raced towards the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) and began kissing his hand and feet. But Munzir al- Ashaj stayed in the Caravan, changed his clothes and then went to see the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam).
Hazrat Karum (may Allah be pleased with him) came to Makkah to see the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) during his Farewell Haj. He embraced Islam and then kissed the feet of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). After his conversion to Islam he stayed inMecca with the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) for a long time to learn about Islam and to hear from the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) what he says. (Sunan Abu Daud, Kitab al- Nikah, Bab Tazwige man lam yulad).
Kissing hands or feet of a saint is lawful:
The Islamic jurisprudents have given fatwa that if a person wants to kiss the hands or feet of a scholar or saint, then the scholar or the saint should stretch out his hands and feet to give him an opportunity to do so. Maulana Nawab Qutbuddin Dehlvi in his book “ Ma’adan al- Jawahar” has discussed this in detail. He has quoted the Hadith narrated by Abu Zareh on the subject of kissing the body as was reported by Abu Daud, one of the six most authentic books of Hadith. He has also quoted the Hadith of Afwan bin Assal about kissing the hands and feet of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) by Jews as reported by another authentic book of Timidhi. He has quoted another Hadith reported by “Nasim al- Riyadh of Bazzar with the narration of Hazrat Buraidah that a Bedouin asked the Holy Prophet to show him a miracle. The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) told him to point towards any tree; it will come running to him. The Bedouin pointed towards a tree and within no time the tree came running to the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam), greeted him and said” Peace be on you, O Messenger of Allah”. The stunned Bedouin asked the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) to return the tree to its previous position and the tree bowed to his order. The Bedouin embraced Islam and sought the permission to prostrate to him. The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) told him that prostration should be only to Allah and had it been allowed before any one else, I would have ordered women to bow down before their husbands. After that the Bedouin asked the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) to allow him to kiss his hands and feet. The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) allowed him to do so.
The followers of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) gave full respect and honor to his sandals. Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (may Allah be pleased with him) used to keep the sandals of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) in his sleeves. Bukhari has given the detail that Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (may Allah be pleased with him) was responsible for keeping the sandal, comb, kohl vessel and the vessel for ablution with him.
Hazrar Abdullah bin Masood (may Allah be pleased with him) kept the above mentioned articles with him because he was responsible to wake up the Holy Prophet at the time of prayer, to cover the place with clothes where the Holy Prophet took the bath. Whenever, the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) intended to go out, he put his shoes before him and when the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) entered his house, he took off his shoes. He always carried the walking stick and Miswak with him (Tabqat Ibn Saad, chapter on Abdullah Ibn Masood).
A poet says:
Your lover does not ask any thing from the kings. His most precious wealth is your footstep.
O Abdullah Ibn Masood may Allah bless your soul. You have taught us how to love the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). You have taught us that only to follow a person is not enough, but you must love him. Some times, a person follows some one out of fear or greed and that has no relevance. Let us pray to Allah to make us good followers of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam).
A book “Sharf al- Nabi” has described the story of one young boy from Ansar who used to clean the shoe of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) with his clothes and then placed them before the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) for his use. When some one asked him why he was doing so, he replied “I think my deed may please the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam)”. The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) raised his hand and prayed: O my Lord! This boy has done so and so to please me; you may make him happy in the world and hereafter.
When Hazrat Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) came toMedina from Syria, he went straight to the house of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) and rubbed his cheek on the threshold of the door of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam).
Apart from this, some narrators have mentioned that after the death of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam), his daughter Fatema (may Allah be pleased with her) took the blessings from the earth of his grave. She used to say:
Who has smelled the aroma of Prophet Ahmad’s foot print, will not like to odor any other scent.
Cure for pain:
Once hazrat Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) had pain in his leg. He called “O Muhammad!” And his pain disappeared at once.
Your name has the effect of Ism Azam. I called your name to see this effect.
Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) often used to put his hand on the podium of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) and then wiped his hands on his face. This was ostensibly an expression of his deep relationship with the Holy Prophet and his action was obviously to get blessings from the footprint of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) (Shafa Sharif by Qazi Iyaz).
Letter from First Tubba Hamiri to the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam):
Before one thousand years from the birth of Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam), the famous king of Yemen Tubba Hamiri, the First attacked yathrib, fought a fierce war with the people of Yathrib and threatened to destroy the city completely. The Rabbis of Jews advised him not to do so, because it was the city from which the last Messenger of Allah shall emerge. They told Tubba that they are patiently waiting for his emergence. They told him that they hope to see the promised Apostle or at least some dust would fall on their graves from below the feet of that Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam).
A poet says:
If I find some dust from your foot step, I will put it on my head and touch it with my eyes.
Hamiri was deeply moved to see the faith of Jews Rabbis on the expected emergence of the last Prophet. He wrote a letter to the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) and handed it to the chief Rabbi to be given to the last Prophet whenever he comes in this world.
After one thousand years, Hazrat Ayub Ansari, a descendent of the great Rabbi presented the letter to the Holy Prophet after his migration to Medina.
The letter addressed to the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) by Hamiri was as under:-
“From Tubba Hamiri the First to the last Messenger of Allah. I believe in you and the book revealed upon you. I am in to your religion. I believe in you and your Allah and the book to be revealed on you. If I remained alive at your time, it would be better, otherwise, please intercede for me on the Day of Judgment. I request you not to forget me as I am your first follower (Wafa al- Wafa, Jazb al – Qulub and History of Ibn Asakir).
Since 1050 long years from the birth of Holy Prophet, the Jews waited impatiently for the emergence of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) and his subsequent migration to yathrib. They prayed invoking his name and wished to see him.
Imam Malik’s respect to Medina:
The famous Islamic Jurisprudent Imam Malik walked on the streets and lanes of Medina barefooted and on his foot, leaving the general thoroughfare. He was extremely cautious not to put his feet on the foot steps of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam).
A poet says:
How men of insight can put their feet in your lane. Thousand of eyes lie every where in your lane.
Presentation of Ummah’s deeds to the Holy Prophet:
An authentic hadith tell us that the deeds of Ummah are presented to the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). When Rabiah Basriah heard about it, she prayed daily 500 Rakaats. She said: She does not pray 500 Rakaats for her entry in Heaven, but only to please the great Prophet, the interceder on the Day of Judgment. As far as the heaven is concerned, I will take it by the favor of the shoe of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam).
Evidences from Quran and Hadith:
The above mentioned verses from the Holy Quran and some supporting Hadiths are not mere fantasies for entertainment. But these are true stories and events that may be taken as a lesson. In the light of these events we should take due care of the photos and copies of the shoes of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam).
Emergence of springs by strike from Prophet’s feet:
If the water from the spring emerged from the strike of Prophet Ayyub’s (Job) feet may be a ready cure for all his diseases and the Zam Zam water that emerged by the strike of Prophet Ishmael’s feet may be cure for all diseases till the Day of Judgment, then why not the relics and foot prints of the lord of all the Prophet may be a cure for calamities and diseases.
The earth of Medina is also cure for the diseases, because it has touched the feet of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). The Holy Prophet has said: the earth of Medina is a cure. The reason is very obvious. The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) has put his blessed feet on these earths.
The Safa and Marwah mountains became signs of Allah, because Hazrat Hagar has put her feet on these mountains. Then what about the places where the last and beloved prophet of Allah has put his feet? None can doubt the sanctity of these places.
The Ummah of the Holy Prophet is the best Ummah:
Allah has declared in the Holy Quran that Islamic Ummah is the best Ummah in the world. The Ummah is the best, because the Holy Prophet was the best of all Prophets that Allah has ever sent for the guidance of the people.
Allah has also declared that the standing place of Hazrat Abraham (AS) is a sacred place where all Muslims should put their foreheads in prostration. Allah has bestowed Hazrat Abraham (AS) only some partial merits while our Holy Prophet had all merits and an edge on all the prophets. You can imagine the elegance and grace of the feet and foot prints of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). Only the learned and Gnostics may discern the wonders and effects of these prints.
A poet says:
Your lord has given you all merits. He has bestowed you what he has bestowed none.
Blessings come down by virtue of Holy Prophet’s (sallahu alahi wasalam) feet:
The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) with the permission from Allah has given life to the dead bodies. He still, even after his death, holds such power of Messiah. His blessings and bounties are not confined to any limited time. A gentle strike by his blessed feet has changed the fate of camels, horses and other animals. Then why not the fate of the people may change to a better lot?
The box of Solace and supplications by its favor:
Allah has accepted the prayer of Bani Israel when they asked Allah’s help through the Box of Solace. Allah says in Holy Quran:-
وقال لهم نبيهم إ ن أية ملكه أن يأ تيكم التابوت فيه سكينة من ربكم وبقية مما ترك ال موسي وال هارون تحمله الملائكة ان في ذلك لاية لكم إن كنتم مؤمنين ( سورة بفرة – 248 )
And their prophet Samuel (AS) told them: Verily: The sign of His kingdom is that there shall come to you a wooden box, wherein is peace and solace from your Lord and a remnant of that which Moses and Aaron have left behind, carried by the angels. Verily, in this is a sign for you if you are believers (2:248)
This box contained the auspicious relics of Prophet Moses (AS) and Aaron (AS). There were the walking stick and one pair of shoes of Hazrat Moses (AS) and the turban of Hazrat Aaron (AS). Whenever the Israelites put this auspicious box in front they won the battle and got their desired thing if they asked Allah by its grace. If this auspicious box is the means for immediate response for the call of Israelites, you can think what would be the effect of the prints of the Holy Prophet’s (sallahu alahi wasalam) shoes.
A poet says:-
If you want to better this world and hereafter, come to his court and ask whatever you want.
Prostration of earthly materials on the feet of saints:
It is narrated that in spite of his refusal, the worldly materials visited Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) impersonated as a very beautiful woman. Some black signs were apparent on its forehead and heel. When Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) asked about these black signs, she said:-
The black signs on my head are due to placing my head on the feet and thresholds of the saints. While black signs on my heels are because, I used to strike the worldly people with my heels. This story tells us what grace the feet of Seers have.
Benefits of the shoes of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam):
Our pious predecessors have enumerated many benefits of the auspicious prints of Holy Prophet’s shoes. Allama muqri in his book: Fathul Mota’al fi Madh al- Ne’al” has described many benefits of keeping the photo of Holy Prophet’s shoes with him. He has written that greatest effect of this auspicious print as was found by some Islamic scholars was rapid increase in general popularity amongst the masses and visit of the Holy Prophet in dream.
Another scholar Allma Qastalani in his book “Mawahib” and Allama muqri in his book “Fathul Mota’al fi Madh al- Ne’al” have quoted many scholars as saying: Whoever keeps the print of the holy shoes with him for the purpose of blessings will be safe from dacoits, enemies, Satan and from the evil eyes. If any pregnant woman ties the print of auspicious shoe on her right arm will give an easy and painless delivery. The print also guards against magic and effects of evil eyes. This also makes the person popular, provides him with opportunity to visit the grave of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) and even good chance of seeing the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) in dream. The army that will keep and put the holy print in front will win the war.
Apart from the above mentioned benefits, the holy print saves the Caravans from robberies, ships from sinking, houses from fire, goods from theft. If any body asks Allah through the grace of this print, he will find an early response.
Allama Yusuf Ismael Nibhani has written a very good eulogy on the blessed shoes of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) that is quoted herewith:-
I am a humble servant of the print of the blessed shoes of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). My best wish is to live under it shadow in this world and hereafter.
Ibn Massod (Allah be please with him) was fortunate to serve the blessed shoe. I am also fortunate to serve the print of that blessed shoe.
This is the photo of the shoe of the best of all the prophets. The stars envy on the luck of the earth on which it falls.
All the seven skies envy and even the crowns of the kings envy on the elegance of that earth.
Of course there is no match for the blessed shoes of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). The print of blessed shoe is comfort for my soul and kohl for my eyes.
How grace have the shoes of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) for which every head wished to be a leg.
When I found the people fighting each other, I made the blessed shoe a safe fort for me.
I took refuge in a very strong hideout, which has a strong perimeter for my protection.
I ask Allah, the Most Generous, by the grace of Holy Prophet’s shoe and by grace of the great Prophet’s blessed feet to bestow us with His favor and to make our deeds exclusively for His pleasure and a stair for our entry in to Paradise.
I beseech Allah to do favor with me to show his countenance along with your favored Prophets, Siddiques, martyrs, and pious servants. May Allah bless our Lord Prophet Muhammad (sallahu alahi wasalam), his descendents; his companions; his wives, his children and his family members as long as the people remained eulogizing him while unawares remained negligent.
Alchemy of Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi:
Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi has prescribed a very effective alchemy prescription to love Allah. He says:
keep off discussions and arguments and be a man of in sight by bowing down before an inclusive man (saint).
Zun Nun Misri’s uique respect to the companions of Holy Prophet:
The great Sufi Zun Nun Misri during his journey for Haj passed by the plateau of Yermuk where companions of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam)had under the command of Hazrat Khaled bin Waleed (may Allah be pleased with him) fought a ferocious war with Christians. He jumped from his camel and crossed the entire plateau crawling. He took great care not to put his feet on the foot steps of the great companions of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). He said: Only some time before, the horses of Allah’s Sword hazrat Khaled bin Waleed (may Allah be pleased with him) have run on this ground. The reflections of the lights from the horse hoofs of the holy warriors are still illumining the dust. Therefore I am crawling on this dust to get some blessings.
To proclaim Allah’s bounties before the people:
To follow a seer’s foot steps is bliss from Allah. Once, the greatest Seer of the world Sheikh Abdul Qader Jilani has proclaimed: Abdul Qader has no existence of his own, but his grand father exists.
Allah has enjoined on the Muslims to proclaim the bounties given to them by Allah. The Holy Quran says: - (واما بنعمة ربك فحد ث (سورة والضحي: 11 that mean you should proclaim the grace of Allah.
Similarly talk about the grace of Allah and its recognition is gratitude to Allah (Qartabi). When Sheikh Abdul Qader Jilani (may Allah bless his soul) elevated to the rank of beloved, he proclaimed: Every saint holds a rank, But, I am on the footstep of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) who is glittering like the full moon.
About Sheikh Abdul Qader Jilani (may Allah bless his soul) Sanaullah Panipati writes: He talked about his rank only to express his gratitude to Allah. He said: Every friend of Allah holds a rank, But, I am on the footstep of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) who is absolutely a complete and perfect man.
A poet says:
Who follows the foot step of a perfect man, reaches his destined place.
And who does not care, strays from the right path.
Allah has bestow Sheikh Abdul Qader Jilani (may Allah bless his soul) a very high rank, indisputable perfection, a number of miracles and in addition to that a pious soul.
Almost all people believes that Sheikh Abdul Qader Jilani (may Allah bless his soul) was a chosen servant of Allah with total perfection. He was elevated to the highest rank of beloved of Allah and from that high rank he declared that his foot is on the neck of every saint. He did not stop there and went ahead to announce:
I am a descendent of Imam Hassan and my rank is Mukhda’a and my feet are on the neck of saints.
A poet says:
The necks of the saints are his podium, many greetings for that blessed feet.
Therefore, if any one denies the truth of the claims of these saints, he is actually denies the above mentioned Quranic verse “you should proclaim the grace bestowed to you by Allah ( Mazhari).
About the dust below the feet of Sheikh Abdul Qader Jilani (may Allah bless his soul) the well known saint Khawaja Bakhtayar Kaki (may Allah bless his soul) says:
Your foot dust is light for the men of in sight and O the Helper of human being and Jinni give light to the eyes.
Stories of the miracles and wonders of the shoes of saints:
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated a Hadith from the Holy Prophet that Allah says:
My servant continues to draw nearer to me by performing supererogatory prayers till I begin to love him. When I love him, I become his ear through which he hears, his eye through which he sees, his hands by which he holds and his feet by which he walks (Bukhari).
Sheikh Umar Bazzar quoted Ghaus Azam as saying: Any one who seeks my help in distress, I help him and who calls me at the time of grief I remove his grief.
Sheikh Abu Amr Siddiqui and Sheikh Abu Muhammad Abdul Haque narrated: We visited Hazrat Ghaus Azam in his school on Tuesday dated 3rd of Safar. All of sudden, he shouted and raised a loud slogan and then threw one of his wooden sandal in the air. After a little while he threw the other one, that also disappeared in to air. After throwing his both sandals in the air, Ghaus Azam sat on his bed. No body dared to ask him what the matter is.
After 23 days a Caravan reached to Baghdad, came to his monastery to offer votives. Ghaus Azam ordered to accept from them 40 kilo silks, some silk garments and some gold. After that they put his wooden sandal before him. Ghaus Azam asked them where they found his sandals.
They replied: A band of dacoits attacked us on Tuesday dated 3rd of Safar. They killed some members of our Caravan and looted all our belongings. Then we decided to seek the help of Ghaus Azam. Within a few minutes we heard a deafening sound echoing from the valley and then saw two dacoits coming towards us. We feared that some other group of dacoits came to loot us. But it was not the case. Later, we saw two dacoit chiefs lying dead on a little distance and a pair of wet wooden sandal was lying nearby. They expressed regret and returned our all goods they have looted from us saying it looks as some things bigger than usual (Safinah al- Aulia).
A poet says:
The protection of my Peer is enough for me. I put my destination at my toe while every whirlpool is my sea bank.
A poor man came to Khawaja Nizamuudin Aulia and asked some financial help for the marriage of her daughter. After a little pause, Khawaja Nizamuudin Aulia gave him his sandal and ordered him to proceed towards a caravan approachingDelhi. The poor man went to the caravan in which one of his very staunch devotees Amir Khosro was rushing towards Delhi.
The devotee became restless to find the smell of his Peer from the poor man. A poet says:
When I turned my head towards the door of bar, I made the foot print of the bartender my prostration place. I became absolutely free from the chain of religion and non- belief, turning my face towards the monastery of my Peer.
When the poor man went near Amir Khosro, he asked him whether he is coming from the monastery of Khawaja Nizamuddin Aulia. He replied yes and told him the story. Amir Khosro asked him whether he would like to sell the sandals of Khawaja Nizamuddin Aulia. He said what would be the value of these ordinary and used sandals? You can give me whatever you like. But Amir Khsro has already made a great decision. He gave away all the goods carried by the caravan in exchange of the sandal of his seer.
He was extremely happy and jubilant for this rare barter. When he entered the monastery of his seer, Khawaja Nizamuddin Aulia asked him: Khosro! How much you have paid for the sandal? What a person like may can pay for that blessed sandals. I gave him whatever I had. The Seer said: Khosro! You have paid a very cheap price.
Ruling of Moulana Ahmed Razak Khan R.A.
The Islamic scholars have accorded the print of the blessed Na’l the same standing as was given to the original one. They venerated and revered the print with the same way as they venerated and revered the original blessed Na’l. They have composed many eulogies in its glory and written a number of treatises about the effects and properties of its print maintaining the chain of its narrators. One poet says:-
When my craving for the blessed Na’l makes me restless,
And I fail to get what I wish,
I make its print on my palm,
And tell my eyes; be satisfied with it.
(Matale al- Masarrat, al- Maktabah al- Nuriah al- Rizviyah, Faisal Abad, page No 166)
About the effects and properties of the print Allama Taj Fakehani in his book “Fajr Munir” elaborates:
If any one finds himself unable to visit the blessed mausoleum of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam), he should take out print of the blessed grave and kiss it fervently. In such case, the print will be treated as original just like the print of the blessed Na’l has the effects and properties of the original. A number of tests and experiments have proved their immediate effects. That is why the Ulama have accorded to the print the same reverence as they have accorded to the original one. (Fajr Munir)
The author of Dalael al- Khairat (may Allah be pleased with him) has followed his suit in his book “Sharh Kabir” and written:” I have mentioned this only to follow the foot step of Sheikh Tajuddin al- Fakehani who has set up a separate chapter on the Holy Graves and its blessings in his book “Fajr Munir”. He stated further that one of its blessings is that and that —– (Matale al- Masarrat, al- Maktabah al- Nuriah al- Rizviah, Faisal Abad, and page No 133).
Imam Abu Ishaq Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Khalf al- Silmi known as Ibn al- Haj al- Matrli al- Undulusi (May Allah do mercy on him) has written a separate treatise on the print of the blessed Na’l.
One of his disciples Sheikh Aziz Abul Yumn Abu Asakir has followed him by writing a very useful book “Khidmah al- Nea’l lil- Qadam – al- Muhammadi” that by virtue of incorporation of complete chain of narrators has earned same reputation as books of Ahadith usually get from the scholars.
The author of Irshad al- Sari Fi Sharh Sahih Bukhari Imam Ahmad bin Muhammad khatib Asqalani, has set a separate chapter in his book “ Mawahib Ladunniyah wa Manh Muhammadiyah” in which he has given details of the great effects of the print of the blessed Na’l with complete chain of its narrators and their credibility’s. Similarly Imam Abu Ishaq Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Khalf al- Silmi known by Ibn al- Haj al- Matrli al- Undulusi and some other savants have compiled many treatises on its effects.
May Allah shower His everlasting blessings on Abul Yumn Ibn Asakir who has composed a very fascinating and moving eulogy on the effects of the print of the blessed Na’l. He says:
O man! Leave the memories of plateaus, valleys, mounts and other things that are destined to perish.
I do not want to remember for so long time.
Please come on and kiss the blessed relics of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam).
You would be luckiest man if you have an opportunity to put your lips on the print of the blessed Na’l.
Put your countenance on it and rub its dust on your face.
O the print of the blessed Na’l of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam)!
May my life be sacrificed in your veneration.
Tears begin to roll down my eyes whenever I see you.
There is not way for me to stop these tears.
Your sight has reminded me of Holy Prophet’s walk in deep ravines.
Now I sacrifice my tears like red agate from my eyes.
O the print of the bless Na’l! You remind me the most blessed and revered feet.
I wished my cheeks been cleaved for making the Na;l for that blessed feet.
Then I would have been most fortunate man.
Or my eyebrows would have been like earth for his blessed Na’l.
The earth has got the honor of the sky.
O Abul Yuman! May Allah grant you the best reward for this rare eulogy. “Al- Mawahib al-Ladunniyah, Third objective, Third chapter on wearing of Na’l , published by Al- Maktab al- Islami, Beirut.
Imam Ibn Hajr Asqalani in his book “Tabsir” has mentioned the name of Abul Hakam bin Abd al- Rahman known as Ibn al- Mirhal belonging to West Africa. Sheikh Ibn al- Haj has quoted in his above mentioned book his composed eulogy on the print of the blessed Na’l. Imam Qastalani has also appreciated and praised this eulogy. “Mawahib” has mentioned some lines of this eulogy that are given below;-
I keep with me the print of the blessed Na’l who is most dear to me.
I keep kissing it day long and night.
Some times, I keep it on my head and some times on cheeks.
Some times, I kiss it and some times I keep it on my heart.
I imagine as the Holy Prophet is putting it in his blessed feet.
I t is not a nightmare, but my eyes show me when I am awaked.
I move the print round my cheeks and I visualize
As the Holy Prophet walks on my cheeks wearing his Na’l.
If any one can arrange the walk with blessed Na’l on my cheeks?
That has more value than stars on eighth heaven.
I will put the print of blessed Na’l on my chest as an amulet for my heart.
That will give some reliefs to my heart.
I will tie it up with my head as an amulet for my eye brows.
That will stop tears flowing from my eyes.
May my father be sacrificed on the print of the blessed Na’l.
How fortunate is the man who made it.
And how sanctified is the man who served it.
Moon on the sky wishes to come down the earth.
And it wishes to race with me for kissing the blessed Na’l.
My best greeting be on him as long as the eastern wind blows and as long as the pigeons sing on Arak trees. May Allah shower His blessings on the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam), on his progenies and his Ummah. O my Lord! Accept my invocation Amen.
(Al- Mawahib al-Ladunniyah, Third objective, Third chapter on wearing of Na’l, published by Al- Maktab al- Islami, Beirut)
The author of “Al- Mawahib al-Ladunniyah” has also written that Abu Jafar Ahmad bin Abdul Aziz, a God fearing and pious Sheikh has stated that he made some prints of the blessed Na’l and gave it to some of his students. After some days one of his students came to him and informed him that last night he was surprised to see the immediate effect of the print of the blessed Na’l. The student told him that his wife complained of severe pain. Then he put the print of the blessed Na’l on the site of pain and prayed: O Allah let me be a witness to effect of this blessed Na’l. Allah removed her pain immediately.
(Al- Mawahib al-Ladunniyah, Third objective, Third chapter on wearing of Na’l, published by Al- Maktab al- Islami, Beirut)
Apart from this, Imam Qastalani has quoted Abu Ishaq Ibrahim Ibn al- Haj as saying that teacher of his teacher sheikh Abul Qaim bin Muhammad has said: From various tests it was proved that holder of the print of the blessed Na’l finds safety from the excess of the tyrants and hostility of the enemies. He will also be safe from wicked Satan and bad eyes of the envious person. If a pregnant woman holds it in her right hand, she will be relieved from the labor pain and will make her delivery easy.
(Al- Mawahib al-Ladunniyah, Third objective, Third chapter on wearing of Na’l, published by Al- Maktab al- Islami, Beirut)
Allama Ibn Hajr Mukri Tilismani has written two separate books on the effects of the prints of the blessed Na’l. One “Al- Nafkhat al- Anbariyah Fi Wasf Na’l Khair al- Bariyyah” is concise but very useful. While the other book is “Fath al- Mota’l fi Madh Khair al- Nea’l is in detail and very comprehensive.
In these two books he has mentioned a number of effects and merits of the prints of the blessed Na’l, its effects in elimination of afflictions and fulfillment of desires. These effects were observed by himself and by his pious contemporaries and predecessors. There will be no use to quote all these observations and tests as it will take lot of time. For detailed information, please consult the above mentioned book “ Fath al- Mota’l.
We would like to mention herewith in brief the names of those pre-eminent personalities, who have made the print of the blessed Na’l, gave it to their students, venerated it, written eulogies on it and encouraged the people to kiss it, to put it on their heads and eyes and get blessings from it. They have reported the chains of narrators on the pattern of Hadith books. Please consult “Fath al- Mota’l for further detail.
The famous Imam Abu Owais Abdullah bin Abdullah bin Owais Abul Fazl bin Malik bin Abu Amer Asbahi Madni, a pre-eminent scholar of Medina, a narrator of Hadith from whom Muslim, Abu Daud, Tirmidhi, Nasaei and Ibn Majah have reported their Ahadith and who belongs to upper class of the followers of the followers of the companions of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam), brother in law of Imam Malik and the son of his cousin who died in 167 AH, had made a print of the blessed Na;l for himself at the time when Imam Malik and other followers of the companions of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) were present. Other prominent Ulama also continued this practice in every age and time.
27- His son was Ismael bin Abu Owais, a maternal nephew of the famous Jurist Imam Malik and the teacher of famous narrators of Hadiths Imam Bukhari and Muslim from whom both authors of the most authentic books have taken their Ahadith and who belong to the top most class of the followers of the followers of the companions of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam), a contemporary of Imam Shafei and Imam Ahmad and died in 226 AH.
28- His disciple was Abu Yahya bin Abu Maisarah
29- His disciple was Abu Muhammad Ibrahim bin Sahal Sabti
30- His disciple was Abu said Abd al- Rahman bin Muhammad bin Abdullah – Makki
31- His disciple was Muhammad bin Jafar Tamimi
32- His disciple was Muhammad bin al- Hussein al- Farsi
33- His disciple was Sheikh Abu Zakria Abd al Rahim bin Ahma bin Nasr bin Ishaque Bukhari
34- His disciple was Sheikh Faqih Abul Qasim Ibn Abd al- Salam bin Hasan Ramili
35- His disciple was Sheikh Ayadh
36- His second disciple was Imam and memorizer of Hadith Qazi Abu Bakr bin Al- Arabi, Undulsi and Ishbaili
37- The disciple of both, the son of Imam Ibn al- Arabi and Jurist Abu Zaid Abu al- Rahman bin Muhammad bin Abdullah
38- His disciple Ibn al- Hayyah
39- His disciple Sheikh Ibn al Barr Tunisi
40- His disciple Sheikh Ibn Fahad Makki
41- The second disciple of Ibn al- Arabi Imam Ab al- Qasim son of Ibn Bishkwal
42- His disciple Abu Jafar Ahmad bin Ali Ausi, whose disciple was Ab al- Qasim bin Muhammad, his disciple was Abu Ishaque Ibrahim Ibn al- Haj and whose disciple was Ab al- Yumn Ibn Asakir and whose sayings have been mentioned above.
43- His disciple was Ismael bin Abu Owais Madni- his second disciple was Abu Ishaq Ibrahim Ibn al- Hussein
44- His disciple was Muhammad bin Ahmad al- Khazari Isbahani
45- His disciple was Abu Usman Said bin Hasan Tustari
46- His disciple was Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ali Mikari
47- His disciple Abu Talib Abd Allah bin Hasan bin Ahmad Anbari
48- His disciple Abul Muhammad Abd al- Aziz bin Ahmad Kinani
49- His disciple Abu Muhammad Hebat al- Allah bin Ahmad bin Muhammad Akfani damashqi
50- His disciple Hafiz Abu Taher Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ahmad Iskandrani
51- His disciple Abu Abd al- allah Muhammad bin Abd al- Rahman Tajibi
52- His disciple Abu Abd al- allah Muhammad bin Abd Allah sabti- his disciple Abu Ishaq Ibrahi Ibn al- Haj mentioned above and whose disciple Ibn Asakir.
53- His disciple was Badr Farqi- These chains were like the chains of Hadith. Apart from these chains were:
54- Imam Abu Hafs Fakihani Iskandrani
55- Sheikh yusuf Tatai Maliki
56- Jurist Abu Abdullah bin Salama
57- Jurist narrator Abu yaqub
58- His disciple Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Rashid Fahri
59- Famous Hafiz Abu al- Rabei bin Salim Kalei
60- His disciple Hafiz Abu Abdullah bin Al- Abar Qazei
61- Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Jabiar Dadi
62- Khatib Abu Abdullah bin Marzooq Tilmasani
63- Ibn Abdul Malik Maraksh
64- Sheikh Abul Khisal
65- Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Haque Ansari known as Ibn al- Qassab
66- Sheikh Fathullah Halbi Bairuni
67- Qazi Shams al- Din Zaeefullah Torabi Rashidi
68- Sheikh Abdul Munim Sayuti
69- Muhammad bin Farj Sabti
70- Sheikh Ibn Habib al- Nabi- from whom Allama Tilmasani narrated the blessings for cure from the photo of the blessed Na’l.
71- Syed Muhammad Musa Husseini Maliki, a contemporary of above mentioned Ulama.
72- Syed Jamal al- Din Mohaddith and author of “ Rauzah al- Ahbab”.
73- Allama Shahab al- Din Khafaji who appreciated the book “ Fatah al- Mota’l and said it is the best book.
74- The writer Chalphi and author of “ Kashf al- Zunun”.
75-Allam Muhammad bin Abd al- Baqi Zarqani, interpreter of Mowahib and Muwatta Imam Malik
Now we conclude this chapter on the names of five great Imams who are well known in the Islamic world and the entire Islamic Ummah is unanimous on their Imamat (leadership).
- § Imam Narrator of Hadith Zainuddin Iraqi, the teacher of great Imam Ibn Hajr Asqalani the author of Alfiah Sirat and other books.
- § His son Allama Syedi Abu Zara’a Iraqi
- § Imam, Jurist, Narrator of Hadith Balqini
- § Imam and narrator Nabil Hafiz Ahamsuddin Sakhawi
- § Imam Allama Abdur Rahman bin Abu Bakr Sayuti
Thus it is proved beyond any doubt that followers of the followers of the companions used the photo of Holy Prophet’s mausoleum and the print of his blessed Na’l and tested its effects in various cases. It also remained in the practice of scholars and sages in every time and age. The great savants sought blessings from it and duly venerated it. Therefore, it would be great mistake to dub it as a Bida’h or innovation in Islam. We seek refuge to Allah from such ignorant and short sighted persons. How the people of such a short stature can dare to offer their own opinions against the above mentioned celebrities and reputed personalities. Allah is the best guide and trustworthy
Praise be to Allah that enabled me to complete this treatise in the last month of Zul Hijjah 13 15 AH and blessing of Allah be on His Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) on his offspring and all his companions and followers. (Abdul Mustafa – Ahmed Raza Khan)
The blessed Sandals of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) and the opinion of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi
I want to quote a reference concerning the tributes to the blessed Sandals of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi. In early days our great predecessors had the same and almost uniform beliefs. The founders of various sects also held the same opinions. However, with the passage of time, the materialism, external influences and general trend of deviations have carried the followers of these sects away from the main streams of their great ideologues. It is a pity that high principles clinched together by these great predecessors at the time of establishing these sects have now vanished completely. The explanations given by me on the below mentioned Hadith, was held valid and found support by Maulan Ashraf Ali Thanvi in his book “Nashr al- Tayyeb”. Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi is one of the most prominent scholars of Darul Uloom Deoband.
Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi begins his book with the mention of “Devine light (Nur) of Muhammad (sallahu alahi wasalam). He quoted the “Hadith of divine light” narrated by Hazrat Jabir (may Allah bless him) in ‘Musannaf Abdur Razzaq’ in which the Holy prophet said” O Jabir! First of all, Allah had created the divine light (Nur) of your prophet from His own divine light. It appears that he relied on this Hadith and therefore, began his book from this Hadith. In the last pages of this book, Maulana Thanvi had quoted many Hadiths on the merits of sending blessings and greetings on the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) besides invoking his solicitation during their invocations and supplications to Allah.
In a detailed discussion on the subject of seeking Holy prophet’s solicitation in their supplications, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi went on to quote the famous “Qasidah Bardah”(A sheet gifted by the Holy Prophet in dream after hearing his rare eulogy), then he concludes his book on the effects of the blessed Sandals of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam).
The story is that Imam Abu Abdullah Sharafuddin Muhammad bin Sayeed Hammad Busairi (may Allah bless his soul) was suffering from stroke. His half body became paralyzed. He remained lying on his bed since a long time. During his protracted suffering, he wrote a moving eulogy of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) visited him in the dream and ordered him to read the eulogy before him. He said! O Messenger of Allah! How can I read while I can’t get up from my bed? The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) wiped his blessed hands on his body and the signs of stroke disappeared. He got up on his bed and read the eulogy to the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). The Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) was pleased and gifted his sheet to him. Hence, this eulogy is known as “Qasidah Bardah or Eulogy of sheet”. In the morning the people found him free from any sign of stroke.
Maulana Ashraf Ali thanvi went ahead to say that after a short while Imam Busairi went out of his house and came across an ascetic who wanted to hear from him the same eulogy. He was surprised and asked what eulogy you are talking about? Imam Busairi was surprised because hitherto, he had never read the eulogy to any body else except the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) in his dream. The ascetic recited one of the couplets from the eulogy as under:
امن تذ كرجيران بذ ي سلم - مزجت د معا جري من مقلة بد م
Imam Busairi was surprised to hear his composed eulogy from the mouth of the ascetic. The ascetic further astonished him when he told him that by Allah he was also present when he was reading the eulogy in the audience of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). Imam Busairi was pleased and gave the eulogy to the ascetic. When Bahauddin, Diwan of the king, heard about the eulogy, he made a copy of the eulogy and kept it with him for invoking Allah through its solicitation and blessings.
Elaborating this event, Maulana Thanvi relied on many voluminous books, however, I mention some quotations from his book:-
Maulana Thanvi writes further “After Bahauddin, his family members continued to take blessings from Qasidah Bardah in important religious and worldly matters. When Saduddin Kharqi suffered from conjunctivitis, he went to the house of Diwan, took the Qasidah bardah and kept it on his eyes. The recovery was complete and immediate.
Maulana Thanvi writes further” When the papers on which this Qasidah or eulogy of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) was written proved so effective for cure of conjunctivitis and many other diseases then how great would be the effect of the blessed Sandals of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) worn by him on his auspicious feet. If any body invokes Allah and seeks solicitation by the photo or print of the blessed Sandals, he will surely get a most favorable response”. After that Maulana Thanvi quotes a couplet of a eulogy of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam):
‘If you continued to keep the name of Ahmad with you, you will find Allah’s favor in all your matters.’
In short, in the beginning, all the faithful believed in solicitation through the blessed Sands of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) and considered it a lawful act. In the present age, there are not many who dear these old values and uphold the beliefs of their great predecessors. I beseech Allah to do favor on us by planting love and faith in our hearts for the blessed sandals of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam). I pray Allah and seek the solicitation of the blessed Sandals of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam) to give us success in this world and hereafter. Amen.
I pray Allah by the grace of Holy Prophet’s blessed sandal, to strengthen the relation of the author, its translators, its publishers and all the readers of this book with the blessed sandal of the Holy Prophet (sallahu alahi wasalam).
Some selected verses from the eulogy of the Holy Prophet written by Imam Busairi (known as Qasidah burdah)
Muhammad, is the lord of this world, hereafter, human being, Jennie, both the Arab and non Arabs.
His birth has brought forth the excellence of his basic elements. How best was his beginning and his end?
How beautiful were his inner and outer complexions. Then the creator of the universe has chosen him his beloved.
None can match his merits. His essence of beauty is indivisible.
He has outshined all other apostles in features and good morals. They were no match for him in knowledge or in generosity.
The miracles shown by the honorable Prophets were product of the effulgent light reflecting from our Prophet.
He is sun of the virtues while they are only stars giving light to the people in the hour of darkness.
The world and hereafter both stand on your generosity, while the knowledge of board and pen are based on your knowledge.
About him they know only that he is a man and is best of all creature of Allah.
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