Haji Imdaullah Muhajir makki (RehmatullahAliah) spritual guide of all Deobandi 'akabir" STANDING in Mawlid Gathering and doing "NIYAZ of Mawlana Rum (RehmatullahAliah)!
Also Shaykh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehalvee (RehamtullahAliah) stands for MAWLID .
Also Shaykh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehalvee (RehamtullahAliah) stands for MAWLID .
This is what Sahykh Muhaddith Dehalvee rh) , the great scholar of Ahlus sunnah said
"Ya Allah , none of my deed ( ‘amal) is worth being presented in your Honour. All my deeds have some defect and my desire ( niyat ) is involved in it. But one of my action/ deed is very good and honourable and that is , during the GATHERINGS OF MAWLID ( mehfil e milad) I STAND AND SEND BLESSINGS (SALAM ) AND WITH WITH UTMOST HUMILITY AND LOVE I SEND PEACE AND BLESSINGS UPON YOUR BELOVED SAL ALLAHU ALAYHI WA SALLAM .
( Akhbarul akhyar , page 264)
"Ya Allah , none of my deed ( ‘amal) is worth being presented in your Honour. All my deeds have some defect and my desire ( niyat ) is involved in it. But one of my action/ deed is very good and honourable and that is , during the GATHERINGS OF MAWLID ( mehfil e milad) I STAND AND SEND BLESSINGS (SALAM ) AND WITH WITH UTMOST HUMILITY AND LOVE I SEND PEACE AND BLESSINGS UPON YOUR BELOVED SAL ALLAHU ALAYHI WA SALLAM .
( Akhbarul akhyar , page 264)