After the scholars of Harmayan issued the fatwa, the Deobandis were totally exposed. In order to confuse the general population the Deobandis spread the rumour that Imam Ahmed Raza Khan has wrongly translated the statements of Deobandi scholars so as to deceive them.
The great scholar of that time Mufti Hashmat Ali khan , asked the opinion of many leading scholars of Undivided India on these "controvertial" statements made by 5 scholars .( Mawlana Ghulam Qadyani, Mawlana Rashid, Mawlana Nanotvee, Mawlana Khaleel and Mawlana Ashraf Ali)
Two hundred and sixty eight ( 268) leading Mufti of Undivided India issued their fatwa . All of them knew Arabic , persian and Urdu and were wll aware of all the statements made by the above 5 personalities.
They had direct access to the works and Fatwas of these 5 scholars. Their fatwa was compiled and published.
The list of 268 includes Mufti of Firang Mahal, Rampur , Sindh , Hyderabad, Surat, Delhi , Agra.
All those controvertial statements have been scanned from Deobandi books and provided in earlier post on this thread .Hassamul Harmayn is also online in both;Arabic and Urdu .
The Deobandis know that none of the translations were wrong . So later they gave up this rumour!
This is the cover page of As sawairul Hindiya.
The great scholar of that time Mufti Hashmat Ali khan , asked the opinion of many leading scholars of Undivided India on these "controvertial" statements made by 5 scholars .( Mawlana Ghulam Qadyani, Mawlana Rashid, Mawlana Nanotvee, Mawlana Khaleel and Mawlana Ashraf Ali)
Two hundred and sixty eight ( 268) leading Mufti of Undivided India issued their fatwa . All of them knew Arabic , persian and Urdu and were wll aware of all the statements made by the above 5 personalities.
They had direct access to the works and Fatwas of these 5 scholars. Their fatwa was compiled and published.
The list of 268 includes Mufti of Firang Mahal, Rampur , Sindh , Hyderabad, Surat, Delhi , Agra.
All those controvertial statements have been scanned from Deobandi books and provided in earlier post on this thread .Hassamul Harmayn is also online in both;Arabic and Urdu .
The Deobandis know that none of the translations were wrong . So later they gave up this rumour!
This is the cover page of As sawairul Hindiya.

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