Mawlana Qari Noorul Hassan, quotes the following stanzas from Ala Hazrat’s Poetry:
"Mulke Sukhan Ki Shahi Tum Ko Raza Musallam
Jis Simt Aagaye ho sikhe Bithaa diye hai"
and says that there are many illiterate and ignorant people, who look at the above stanzas and accuse Ala Hazrat of praising himself in his Poetry. This, he says, is not true and is merely a baseless objection. He further explains:
and says that there are many illiterate and ignorant people, who look at the above stanzas and accuse Ala Hazrat of praising himself in his Poetry. This, he says, is not true and is merely a baseless objection. He further explains:
Hazrat Hassan Raza Khan (, may Allah be pleased with him), the younger brother of Sayyiduna Ala Hazrat (, may Allah be pleased with him), would often send his own Poetry to be corrected to Janaab Daagh Delhwi, who was a famous and distinguished Poet of his time.
One day, as he was about to leave for Delhi, Ala Hazrat presented one of his Naats to Hazrat Hassan Raza Khan and said, "Ask Daagh Delhwi to rectify this Qalaam." The Naat, which Ala Hazrat sent, begins with the following stanza:
" Unki mehek ne dil ke ghunche kila diye He
Jis raah chal diye he, kooche basa diye he."
When Hazrat Hassan Raza Khan reached Delhi and presented the Naat to Daagh Delwhi, he looked at it and said, "This does not seem like the poetry of Mawlana Hassan Raza Khan. Whose is it?" Hazrat Hassan Raza Khan replied that it was written by Ala Hazrat (, may Allah be pleased with him).
On hearing this, Daagh Delhwi said, "you have brought the Qalaam of Ala Hazrat to me for correction! This is the Qalaam of such a poet who holds no place for any corrections. But, since it is incomplete, I would like to write the final verse from my side. Please ask Ala Hazrat not to change it as I am aware that he does not like anything written in his praise."
After saying this, he wrote the verse:
"Mulke Sukhan Ki Shahi Tum Ko Raza Musallam
Jis Simt Aagaye ho sikhe Bithaa diye hai"
So, to those who accuse Ala Hazrat of praising himself in his Poetry, they will find sufficient evidence to prove that it was Daagh Delhwi who inserted that stanza and not Ala Hazrat (, may Allah be pleased with him) himself!
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